Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We were built for this!

Psalm 18:32-34 NIV
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

I am built for this! This was the phrase that came to my mind today after speaking to some people the last few days and trying to walk them through situations in their lives.   After putting down the phone and reflecting on why God allowed our paths to cross it came to me that if it came my way then I must be able to handle it. Whether its my own struggles, dealing with disappointment or accomplishing a long wanted goal. I am learning that what comes my way is what God knew I could handle.  Now there are times when I am like God really? Did this just happen? You have got to be kidding me…...Why me?  I am then reminded of Exodus 3-4 that describes Moses' conversation with God; where God gave him instructions to go to Pharaoh in his name. Moses began to question the Lord asking what if the people don't receive me or believe that I was sent by God.  His speech impairment and insecurities were crippling the way he thought about himself. Moses was giving to much strength and power to his limitations and fears .  But instead of giving place to Moses' insecurities God interrupted this negative behavior and instead spoke strength and reassurance to Moses. Letting him know "I am God" who gave man the ability to speak and see.   In layman's terms God was saying " I got this and I got you".  God has equipped us for everything that comes our way good or bad. So don't question the power, gifts and the anointing he has placed inside of you to handle this journey we call life…….trust it and trust God!

1 comment:

  1. Psalms 18:32-34 is one of those passages that we can all refer to for encouragement.Knowing that God can do all the things mentioned in the scripture is a great asset to have.Thanks for sharing.
